(MANITOWOC, WI) The new name reflects the revitalized mission of a company dedicated to staying innovative
Holiday House is excited to announce its new name, logo, and mission statement which have been updated to reflect the changes in services that have occurred over time. The shift in service provision has gone to more community-based choices. The organization continues in the same manner as it has for 60 plus years – Offering choices and connecting abilities that lead to opportunities for the people served. The new name of the organization is Ascend Services, Inc. with the tagline, Inspire*Empower*Connect. The new mission statement clarifies the goal that the organization has always kept close: To promote individual growth by providing community experiences, education, and employment opportunities.”
Historically, the name “Holiday House” refers to the fact that the organization began as a collaborative effort to make and sell Christmas wreaths in an atmosphere that felt like a clubhouse- thus “Holiday House” was born. Over time, the wreath program was replaced by other programs that last year-round. These include Prevocational Services (center-based and community-based on the job training and education that leads to the development of marketable job skills); Employment Services (assisting individuals to choose, obtain and retain employment in the workforce); and Day Services (offering social, educational and recreational activities that builds life skills and friendships).
The update of the organization’s name, logo, mission statement, and tagline occurs as a response to changes in programs offered. The term “Ascend” means to “rise up” and reflects the dedication of its staff to promote individual growth and empowerment by offering experiences, training, and employment. Ascend Services, Inc. functions in a dynamic way, listening to the people it serves and providing programs and services that respond accordingly. As Deanna Genske, Executive Director of Ascend Services, Inc. stated: “We want to inspire and empower individuals to choose from a menu of services that will help them ascend towards their personal and work goals.”